
Top 10 diseases

Everyone will be known what are different types of disease but, what actually disease is? Disease in general terms can be called as an improper structure or a function of a body which leads to unhealthy of an individual. An abnormal condition which affects the structure and function of an overall body is called as disease. It may affect over all body or a particular function of an organism. The death caused due to diseases are called as natural death.

Disease is not an eternal injury that has to be keep in the mind, the external injury is called as a fracture, accident, damage to the body but, the internal abnormal function is called as disease. There are several different kinds of disease, which we can see now a days. There are various reasons to get the disease it may be because of present environment or life, will discuss in later points, now let us see what are different types of disease are there in our surroundings. 

Now will see what are the different types of disease are there:

  • Infectious diseases
  • Deficient diseases 
  • Hereditary diseases (covering both genetic and non-genetic hereditary disorders), and 
  • Physiological diseases 

These are the four primary categories of diseases. Additional classifications of diseases exist, such as the distinction between these 

  • communicable and 
  • Non-communicable diseases. 

The three worst diseases in humans which they face more difficulty are these:

  • lower respiratory infections
  •  Cerebrovascular disease, and 
  • Coronary artery disease, 

which is an obstruction of blood flow. Neuropsychiatric disorders, including anxiety and depression, account for the majority of illnesses in affluent nations. Words like illness, disease, disorder, morbidity, and sickness are frequently used synonymously; however, there are circumstances in which some phrases are thought to be preferred.

Infectious disease:

Infectious diseases are illnesses brought on by microorganisms like parasites, fungus, viruses, or bacteria. When these bacteria go inside the body, they can cause disease.

Reasons for infectious disease are: 

Bacteria: the unicellular organisms are the one who is responsible for the diseases like TB, urinary tract infection, strep throat infection.

Fungi can also form several infectious diseases like ring worm, fungal infections etc. there are several fungal infections which can affect the brain and lungs also.

Parasite is infection which is spreads through mosquitoes’ bites and is called as malaria. 

Transmission infectious diseases are the one, because these are the diseases which spreads by toughing an affected person, and it spreads through one person to another person.

Symptoms of these diseases are:

The symptoms are depended on the organisms which are affected depending on them the signs and symptoms are different.

  • Fever
  • Diaherria
  • Exhaustion
  • Ache in the muscles 
  • Cough

To prevent these diseases these are steps have to be followed:

  • Vaccinations has to be taken to prevent these diseases, which is a very much useful tool has to be followed.
  • Maintaining hygiene is a very much necessary thing which has to be followed to prevent the infectious diseases. Especially washing hands, keeping the sensitive area clean and hygiene are very much helpful to prevent the disease.
  • If the infection is severe medical need has to be taken.

Deficient disease:

deficient disease is also called as a deficiency which means a lack of required tool in the body. The deficiency may be a nutrition’s like vitamins, minerals etc. The deficiency disease affects when there is a lack of nutrition mainly vitamins and minerals in their diet.

Vitamin deficiency is night blindness, Beri Beri, anemia, skin disorder, depression, muscle and nerve paralysis.

Mineral deficiency is like hemoglobin low, anaemia etc.


Consumption of minerals and nutrients by adding it in our diet.

Hereditary diseases:

genetic disorder is affected when there is one or more deficiency or abnormal in the genome. And this disorder can be passed from one generation to another generation and that is where it is called as hereditary diseases. They are also inherent from generation to generation like from parents to their children.

There are certain types of genetic disorder they are:

  • Chromosomal disorder
  • Multifactorial disorder
  • Single gene disorder

Prevention: There is no particular cure for this disorder, but this can be prevented by taking a good care of health, having a proper diet and regular check up will really help to prevent this disease.

Psychological diseases:

psychological diseases are where there is a disturbed behaviour in an individual. Which affects their behaviour in socially, mentally and physically.

The symptoms of these diseases are

  • Loneliness
  • Confusion
  •  Depression 
  • Social withdrawal
  • Extreme feeling of pleasure
  • Too much anger
  • Too much excitement than necessary
  • Fear for little things
  • Greif

Causes for these diseases is:

  • Substance abuse
  • Prenatal damage to brain
  • Injury to brain
  • Exposure to toxic
  • infections 

Prevention for these diseases is:

  • Family care and support
  • Peer group support
  • Proper medications
  • Proper psychotherapies
  • Change in environment
  • Proper hospitalization if necessary.

There are several top-rated diseases are which are in the top lists they are:

Coronary heart disease.

When there is a collection of cholesterol and other fats in the arteries then it leads to coronary heart disease.


In a stroke, sometimes referred to as a brain attack or cerebrovascular accident (CVA), inadequate blood supply to the brain results in the loss of brain cells. There are two basic types of strokes: haemorrhagic (caused by bleeding) and ischemic (caused by a lack of blood supply). Both lead to abnormal brain function in certain areas.

Breast cancer.

Cancer that starts in the breast cells is called breast cancer. The cancer which starts in the breast’s ducts or lobules are often called breast cancer.


Diabetes is a long-term illness that alters your body’s ability to metabolize glucose, or blood sugar. Your muscles, tissues, and brain all rely on glucose as a critical energy source for their cells.

Respiratory cancer.

Lung cancer, another name for respiratory cancer, is a type of cancerous growth that starts in the lungs. It happens when aberrant cells in the lung tissue proliferate out of control.


The one of the most dangerous diseases that mostly affects the lungs are called tuberculosis (TB). 

When a person with tuberculosis coughs, sneezes, or sings, the disease can spread. These TBs release minute amounts of the germs into the atmosphere. The bacteria can then enter the lungs of another individual who inhales the droplets.

Influenza or flu.

The flu, are also called as influenza, which is a respiratory system infection that affects the lungs, nose, and throat. A virus is the cause of the flu. Although stomach “flu” viruses that cause vomiting and diarrhoea are not the same as influenza, which is often referred to as the flu, they are.


The inflammation in one or both of the lungs’ air sacs is a infection which is known as pneumonia. The air sacs may fill with fluid or pus (purulent material), which can result in fever, chills, coughing up phlegm or pus, and trouble breathing. Pneumonia can be caused by a wide range of organisms, such as fungus, viruses, and bacteria.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.

The long-term inflammatory lung condition known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) results in restricted lung airflow. Breathing problems, coughing up mucus (sputum), and wheezing are among the symptoms. Long-term exposure to irritating chemicals or particulate matter—most frequently from cigarette smoke—is usually the cause of it. Heart disease, lung cancer, and a host of other ailments are more likely to strike those with COPD.

Alzheimer disease.

 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) accounts for 60–70% of instances of dementia. It is a neurological illness that typically begins slowly and gets worse with time.

These are the top 10 diseases which are in high percentage in the world. There are so many cases are found on these diseases. There are so many individuals are suffering from this disease. The only common prevention that can be followed by the individuals are to maintain their health properly by maintaining a proper diet, proper hygiene and regular checkup.

See also : High blood pressure and there symptoms

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